On the coast of Asturias, one of the richest fish and seafood of the Bay of Biscay, is the village of Aviles, whose fishing tradition dates back centuries. This long tradition, together with the quality of the products of the sea and the land of Asturias, provides Conservas Laurel with the basic ingredients for the traditional preparation of their preserves and traditional prepared dishes.
Under the Laurel brand, old recipes are combined with new and exclusive creations.
The correct selection and proper handling of the raw material, as well as the exclusion of any type of additive or non-natural component (coloring, antioxidant preservative ...) are our seal of quality and guarantee for a healthy diet.
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Instalación de placas fotovoltaicas para autoconsumo (Expte: IDE/2022/000844)
Proyecto subvencionado por:
Programa Reindustrialización y Fomento de la Competitividad Industrial.
Empresa: Conservas Laurel SL
Proyecto: Instalación de placas fotovoltaicas para autoconsumo (Expte: IDE/2022/000844)